Thursday, August 24, 2017

Week[end] in review

Selfies with each of my girls, one was more thrilled than the other, ha

<-- Emma is such a good sister. Lets G climb all over her, eats her food, ruins her toys.

Saturday I got to spend most of the day with G while Emma was with my Mom.

G got her self dressed (in Emmas clothes lol) and brushed her teeth and got her nails painted!
We made a list for Target and headed to breakfast first.

--> Donut lover <3
<-- from earlier in the week, Emma got her dressed for 'school'. Mostly I was taking pictures of the new landscape and she was just the cutest addition.

--> Sunday, channeling her inner seal

**I asked Emma if she could be any animal, what animal would she be? (I was thinking unicorn, right?) 'I dont want to be an animal'... I know, but if you could be one, what would you be? I would be a lioness....'umm, no animal. I just want to be a princess. A princess animal sounds good'

hahaha she kills me.

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