Monday, August 7, 2017

Weekend in review [2 weeks ago [oops]]

 We have been so busy finishing the new  house and moving in that im all sorts of behind, been saying that for months now haha oops.

Anyways... this little fire cracker turn 2.5 last week and shes has changed so much already!

She loves salad now. Loves necklaces and is always looking for one.

She has graduated to a toddler bed since she climbs out anyways. She also now falls asleep where ever Emma is. We usually read and put her in bed to fall asleep, but now that she can get out of bed, she caught on that Emma goes to the couch for one more show then bed. So now they both fall asleep there or our bed and we carry them to their own beds.

 <-- this is my favorite thing ever. I wish I got lasts nights of them cuddling. James and I had to peel them off each other and take them to bed. They are just the sweetest when it comes to bed time. During the day its like war though haha.
 James and I went to Kasey and Bretts baby shower to celebrate little baby Roseland! We are sooo excited for them and more excited that they are having a girl. It was all so fun, these are the only pictures I snapped.

The boys.
And the girls.

This last picture is the best. So of course each girl wanted a picture on their own phone, so I was last and told them 'please just oneee more. I promise just 1'...well James grabbed my phone and started taking 12321 more pictures and everyone was like 'noooooo' on the last one.

Cant wait for your arrival baby girl!!

About 30 mins after we left the party, my van over heated and my radiator hose blew. Thankfully we made it to a car place and my parents had the kids. 3 hours and $300 later, we were on our way home. So thankful it was not worse.

Have a great week!!

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