Friday, May 30, 2014

Five On Friday!

Good Morning! Happy Friday :)
1. I am so excited for this weekend! Celebrating my Love's 26th Birthday! James has been dying to see Godzilla, so I am going to go suffer through it just for him :)
2. I got a flat tire on Wednesday after work and James came and saved the day! Changed my tired in the 108* heat...such a good man!
3. Yesterday, this girl thew up at daycare and so I got called to come get...I think she just choked on air...because she was super fun the rest of the afternoon! We played and ate snacks and then she spotted this bag in my closet and insisted because it is of a kitty it must be hers... it is as big as she is and she loves it! 'Shopping Momma! Les go!' and she ran to the garage ready to go shopping! Must be spending too much time shopping with her Mimi ;)

4. My favorite piece of mail this week!! Our Latchy Catchy came this last weekend! It is amazing how much of a difference it makes. I wish I didnt wait so long to get one. James is so bad at letting the door slam, especially after Emma goes to sleep. Bringing in the grocieries and having fulls hands, all we have to do now, is push the door open. I want to get 8 more for every other door in the house!!

5. I won a giveaway!!!! Megan over at A Blessed Nest hosts a series "What V Wore" and she styles her adorable daughter in items from handmade small businesses. I love her love for small business and always show casing such lovely women. This was her first week doing the series and I WON!!! So I will recieve each of the items below :) I cannot wait for mail day on these items!! Even tho we are in super hot days of summer, the headband and scarf for inside? Maybe ill turn the air down a few degrees and we can pretend its winter! Lol

Happy Friday!! :) Enjoy the Weekend!

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