Thursday, September 11, 2014

Baby 2 // 18 Week + Gender!

It's a girl!!!

Waving Hi!!

I love that the tech did a 4D :)

Girl :)

How far along: 18 weeks 3 days

Gender: Its a GIRL!!!!!!!!

Weight: as of Friday -10 pounds

Size of Baby: Bell Pepper

Belly button in or out: in
Sleep: going pretty well still :) enjoying it while I can

Best moment of the week: finding out were adding another girl!

Worst moment of the week: Emma has had a shift in mood this week, crying over everything...toddler pms?! haha

Miss anything: eating meals..nothing ever sounds good!! Lots of cheesy eggs over here

Difference between pregnancies: EVERYTHING...a little shocked to see it was a girl lol

Movement: still unsure about that..i have a outer placenta again, so the baby has a buffer

Cravings: Sonic Ice! Still!

Queasy or sick: all of the above! It has backed off this week, but around lunch and 3 am is when I usually feel blah.

Looking forward to: picking out a name and nursery theme :)

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