Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Baby 2 // 35 weeks

Gender: Its a GIRL; Gianna Pizza! (We should have a middle name this week)

Weight: I went up 4lbs since last week...but I also ate lunch in the car on the way to my apt and had my heavier leather boots on, which I have never worn to an apt...so im curious to see what next week will be at, when I wear my usual shoes and I will make sure to eat at least an hour before
Size of Baby: Honeydew Melon (I will have a size update next week..my ultrasounds are moved to Fridays)
Belly button in or out: innie
Sleep:this week has been really off. Ive been going to bed around 1030 and waking at 130 and 10 mins before my alarm -_-
Best moment of the week: Emma has been really loving on my belly. Ive been rocking her at night before I lay her down for bed and she always says 'Momma, I wanna snuggle sister' Melts my heart.
Worst moment of the week: My heartburn is in full swing. Bleh.
Miss anything: Im getting to the point where bending over is becoming difficult lol
Purchases: we got the mattress for the crib and rearranged some stuff in her room

Emmas thoughts:  my sister will be here soon!!!

Difference between pregnancies: I feel like I have so much more energy this time around. Maybe its bc at this point in my pregnancy with Emma, I was 40lbs heavier and couldnt bend over ha
Movement: its getting cramped in there; but she is getting lots of hiccups this week 
Cravings: cheese this week

Maternity Clothes: both maternity and non-maternity...depends on whats clean ;)
Queasy or sick: ive been ok this week :)
Looking forward to: finishing getting stuff together for the nursery and im packing my hospital bag this weekend!!

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