Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Baby 2 // 36 weeks

Gender: Its a GIRL; Gianna Pizza! (We should have a middle name this week..err maybe the next week)

Weight: stayed the same!! I made sure to take my boots off and I had to prove my point haha
Size of Baby: Watermelon/length of lettuce. As of Friday 1/9 baby was weighing it at 5lbs 8 oz, a week small. But my OB said that were good to go.
Belly button in or out: innie
Sleep: better than the week before (wierd lol but ill take it!)
Best moment of the week: meeting up with some friends and receiving some diapers for baby girl...totally forgot you had to buy those for a baby hahahah...its amazing what you let go the second time around..oops
Worst moment of the week: still fighting this stuffy nose...blahhh
Miss anything: I saw some sushi the other day and so badly wanted to eat it!!!
Purchases: we got a new Boppy and cover and the Boon drying racks :)

Emmas thoughts: She cannot wait for this baby...I tell her, 'you cantwait dear...just wait cuz when she is here..wah wah wah' lol

Difference between pregnancies: although my heartburn is in full swing, its much much less than with Emma. I ate a whole thing of Tums weekly with Emma and I havent bought any in at least 3 weeks
Movement: it becoming less rolls and movements and now some sweet jabs and some hard scrapes on my sides
Cravings: cheese this week

Maternity Clothes: both maternity and non-maternity...depends on whats clean ;)
Queasy or sick: not this week!! :) yay!!
Looking forward to: finishing getting all the last minute things in place. 3 WEEKS OR LESS!!!!!!!! AHHHH <3

1 comment:

  1. You are getting so close! And yay to more sleep!
