Wednesday, September 18, 2013

An Emma Obsession

This girl has a tad obsession with this show Bubble Guppies on Nickelodeon.
We have every single episode on DVR.
The only show that will keep her undivided attention for more than 20 min at a time.
She requests in the minute she wakes from bed/nap
If the TV is off, she looks at and looks at you and says "Buppies?"..uh mom why is it not on the tv??

I tried to gather all of her goodies from around the house and I think I collected around 85% of it. There are books and toys in the car/truck, under the bed/couch, so I got most! Look at that collection!! and she has even more on the way in the mail. Plus she has 2 t-shirts and a swim suit and a dvd.
S.P.O.I.L.E.D much?

I have been experimenting with hair-do's since her hair is getting longer and in her face and she doesnt have much going for it lol. So mostly pony-tails and afros. I played with getting as much hair as i could into a tight pony, I has to use a little hair spray because most of is was falling out, but she looked so grown up and cute I couldnt help myself, plus I think she likes when she gets to use "mommy's forbidden counter items". 

And to finish you off, she has been insisting on putting these on everyday when we get home and likes to hear them tap on the tile. Thats silly!! (as the Bubbies would say!)

Happy humpppp dayyyyy!

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