Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Yard Work

I have a huge hatred for yard work. Since we are renting still, the yard comes how it comes. It is beautifully done for being a rental house. BUTTTT I am not one for wanting to do yard work once a month. Over the past year it has become so overgrown, we cant even go past the covered part of the patio. 1. I must say, whoever put in the watering system, did not do the right job at all. The sprinklers go off 3 times a day and there is also an inground watering system that cannot be shut off. I thought we were in drought?! So James shut off the sprinkler system, but cannot get the inground one to turn off. So the weeds grow in the rocks and the cement making it just awful. Well, I have an amazing Father-in-law who works outside for a living and he said he would do it for us...but he lives in Vegas and we have no tools... well they came down for a visit and drove and filled the car with everything needed to make this yard look sooo pretty again!

 The before and after to the right half of the yard; he cut all the palm trees and the weird bushes in each of the corners and pulled all the weeds.

The before and after of the left half of the yard; he cleaned out the back corner where things like to hide and he also left grass, James can handle that ;). We are so greatful he came and did this for us. It was a hot one and we can not enjoy our yard and hope that it all dies for the winter for the next tenants to care for it.

And finally.. what comes with all this lovely yard work?! Disrupting creatures homes! YUCK. We found 8 in one night outside, 2 got a way and I killed 6 Scorpions near the palm trees.

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