Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Man crafts

My super sweey hubby has a craft for drawing and creating awesome things here and there when he gets an itch.
Since he has started his new job, his itch is in full swing. Students and teachers noticed he was drawing one day and started making requests for name drawing. So he did several of those over a week. (Side note: in college, he made carved wood signs for the fraternity house he lived in) Some of the signs he has made are, The Pizza Parlor, The Oval Office and a couple others. He took one to work to put on his desk and one of teachers really liked it and had a made a request for a sign. We went to Home Depot, bought some clearance marked down wood, cut it to size and he got started.

He wrote out his letters and began to burn them in.

He stained it after I had went to bed. Before he left to work today to give it to the teacher, I ran after and got a quick snap of the finished product. Stained twice and a protective sealant for weather protection.

"The Mackeys Home Sweet Home"

Isnt he soooo good?! I forsee other teachers asking for them now too.

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