Monday, September 23, 2013

Little Sickling

Last week on Wednesday, I got a call from daycare that my little love had a fever of 101.5 and she needed to be picked up. (2 other kids in her class have had Croup) So I grabbed my bag and swept her up and we stopped to get some Tylenol for babies and we were on our way back to the office for a bit.

When we got home, all we wanted to was snuggle. So put on some Guppies (Duh!) and snuggled on the bed.

Since she had a fever, she cannot go back to daycare for a full 24 hours. So I made her a Dr. apt for Thursday and took the day off to spend with my girl. It was so weird being home "sick", when I wasnt really sick. So I power cleaned my house and it is soooo clean! It was soo nice out Thursday monring that we went out back to hang out and enjoy the weather. You would never know she was sick based on that smile! However, her poor cough and chest. I read up on "Croup" and sure enough that is what she had and we were off to her apt. She got a shot of some liquid medicine and we were on our way home. Since daycare also requires a 24 hour wait after anit-biotics, she was out of daycare on Friday again.

So that means, work with Momma!! Woohoo, I get a half day ;). She made it 5 hours at work and was such a trooper. She even sat ran around a meeting for 30 min. And then at noon, it was time to go. Not even 5 minutes down the road, she was out.

Saturday, she was feeling much better. I mean, who wouldnt with a delicious yummy lolli?!

Back to daycare today! Happy first week of fall!

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