Monday, September 16, 2013


This weekend, I went through the pantry and did some cleaning of all things stale and what needed to be made in the next week so we dont have to toss it out. I came accross this box of pretzel dough mix we have had for at least 6 months, waiting for a rainy day when I was craving pretzels. Well that day never came, till now. At 10 am hubby come out of the bedroom, what are you making?! Flour everywhere, bowls and the counter greasy, he didnt know if he should just go back to bed. As I started to roll out the first one, the helpers see the fun starts and now beg to make one. We made several shapes and flavors to keep it interesting.

Id say, that was pretty pro!

They only took about 10 min in the oven with a rotation half way through.

Melted some cheese sauce and made a sweet dipping sauce for the sweet pretzels.
Over all, YUM.
Next time, I wont wait 6 months to make these :)

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