Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Big Girl Bed

So as ive said before, Emma has been in a crib her entire life, all 3 years and 4 months of it. She sleepd on a cot at school for naps and just recently sleeps in a bid bed when she goes to my Parents house. Ive been asking when she wants one at our house. 'No Mama I like my crib'. As we approach 3 and a half, it is time. So we had a little talk this weekend a decided to take off the front of the crib. I told her if she hated it, I would put the side back up. The entire time I was taking the front off, she just cried and kept saying 'No Mama I love my bed, leave my side on'...then it came off and she was ecstatic! I dont think she knew what it meant when we were taking the crib apart. She hung out in her room all afternoon and then came to me and said 'Mama, do I get new sheets for my new bed?'...because she got new sheets with her bed at Mimi's...so yes darling, for having a big girl bed, you get big girl sheets. We headed to Walmart and she picked out Sofia the First sheets!  I would have preferred something with no characters, but I will let her decide if that keeps her in the bed.

 She knows all the rules of a big girl bed. "I have to stay in my bed unless I have to go potty. If I need Mama, I will for her. If I roll out, I get back in bed and I will be okay" She was so cute repeating all her rules. 

*last night she was trying to get an animal that was on at the bed and I saw her trying to reach through the bars to get it and I went in to ask her and she told me she couldn't get it. I reminded her that she could get out of bed to get it. I was so precious 'but Mama, you said I have to stay in bed.'..good girl, but you can get your friend.

She did it! She stayed all night. She was probably so tired, she didnt even wake up lol. But she stayed! Now I just need to prepare myself for when she startles me next to me bed and gives me a heart attack.
Here's to the big girl and not looking back! :)

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