Monday, August 17, 2015

Weekend Happenings

We love visitors! And this weekend James' parents came for a visit. I have very few pictures. It was record breaking hot and getting my phone in and out was making it hotter haha 

--> Gianna was fascinated with the sun on the couch

Saturday morning, Emma was sooo sweet. She wanted to hold Gianna's bottle to feed her. So that lasted all of 2 minutes haha. But cute none the less. 
We hit up the At Home store and they always have fun displays out. Even the bright and bold xmas trees, I almostttt got the pink one. But on the hottest days of the year, I just pretended I was surrounded by snow. I also lunged across the trees to catch one Emma knocked over. Mom powers. 
Grammy and Grandpa took Emma outside to play in the pool while I stayed inside enjoying the a/c with Gianna. 

Lots of indoor playing and movie watching. 

 Gianna and I always take advantage of Emma's naps on the weekends. Pick any toy you want!! ha, sorry Emma.

--> girlfriend fell asleep with her toast in her hand hahaha 

And Miss G says Happpppy Monday!!!

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