Monday, August 3, 2015

Motherhood is HARD work

Social Media is one big facade. Its hard to remember that sometimes. We only show what we want the world to see and not what the reality is. We all have bad days and we all make mistakes. We all compare ourselves to each other. What is right? What is wrong? Is our baby better than theirs? Im totally a better Mother than she Wrong. We are all great Mothers. We should all lift each other up and remember that being a Mom is HARD work. Hard hard hard work.

Sunday Morning 

My perfect little girls hanging out on the bed while I get ready :)

What you dont see here...the piles of laundry across the floor; who knows if they are clean or dirty..
There is a pile of wrappers and soda cans and water bottles piled on my husbands dresser. Emma just spilled that bowl of cereal in the bed (dry cereal ;) ). And my bathroom hasnt been clean in a month. My husband who is crawling down the stairs to take himself to the ER for kidney stones. (hospital is 1/2 mile away and this is his 3rd case, so he knew he could take himself so I could care for the kids; im ready if needed) But what I showed you was a perfect Sunday morning. And it was. Me and my girls playing on the bed watching cartoons. And yes the house is still a mess and will continue to be. 

So just remember that next time you are judging someone just based of what they post on social media.

* one judged me(or maybe you are haha). But I do find myself comparing my life to others, blogs I read and their lives and then I remember, they only want me to see that. Dont get caught up in other peoples lives, for they are probably fighting a battle we dont even know.



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