Monday, August 10, 2015

Summer Fun // 6 mo weight check

  <-- we pulled out the spare mattress and made a jumping pile in the living room. Its just too hot to play outside for more than 5-10 mins and we are getting cooped up in doors. This is has been great entertainment for the last week! So far only one head bang and thats because she moved her giant brown bear and wanted him to watch and of course thats exactly where she jumped..oops haha.

 <-- proud Mama! She drew me a person :) Im so so proud of her for trying to draw things other than just circles and snakes lol

--> Daddy gets home later in the evenings and its my favorite when Emma requests Daddy brush her hair and gets her jammied.

Annnnnnd chubbers up here weighs in at 17 pounds 1 ounce! 25 1/4 inches 16 inches. The next box of diapers we will be moving up to size 3. She can sit realllly well now. I just keep pillows for when she flails. Last night was the first night she flipped over in her sleep while swaddled and now we having to work on sleeping dreading this day sooooo bad. She has been such a good sleeper swaddled, im so nervous! Wish is luck!! lol

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