Monday, August 3, 2015

Gianna // 6 months

6 Months Old!
*weight and height check on 8/6

This has been a very eventful month for miss G

- Rolled over finally!! Yay! on 7/11. Goes from back to tummy now anytime she gets laid down; but she wont roll from tummy to back and gets real upset, like a turtle on their shell, real fast
- Loves loves loves sweet potatoes and soon well be moving to baby lead weaning, prob 7 months..she already loves to down a banana
-an amazing sleeper (knock on wood)
- cries when she gets put down and can see you (its like she knows i'm not doing anything.. ha ha)
- Loves bath time and recently starting bathing with Emma (I fill Emma's tub and put Gianna's in it)..Emma calls her bath a boat and asks if she can sit in it after Gianna gets out
- says 'Mamamamamama' when shes looking someone, anyone.
- so calm and content, she will stare at the fan for a solid 5 minutes
-can sit for a tad on her own! I keep pillows surrounding her. Yesterday, she sat with Emma for a good 5-10 minutes before tipping over :)

*I should probably write more stuff down, there are about 6 more things I wanted to add that I cant remember ha oops

Outtakes and more fun pictures below :) She was so much fun taking these!

We love you so much Gianna Grace!! Happy half-year Pumpkin!

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