Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Emma's bestie turns 3

 Emma's best friend, Avi turned 3 this last week and we celebrated this weekend! The theme was Ariel and it was sooo darling. Her outfit was so cute.

Putting these two together is pure chaos. They get together and its like a tornado hit, this was all I could get of them haha

 The adorable cake and yummy snacks!

 <-- babies be playing

--> begs for a trampoline every time we leave their house ha
 Sweet little Jeffrey kept trying to Emma's socks over his, it was my favorite thing.

--> all babies in the bounce house! Gianna loved it!

 Emma's first pinata! :) These boys are the sweetest, after they filled their bags, they helped the little kids and made sure they all had enough to fill theirs too.
Most of the sweet littles...impenitently wanting to eat that cake so bad ha

Gianna was such a trooper. Almost 5 hours with no nap and she was sooo good. Snuggled up to Daddy the last 30 mins. 

We love you Avi! We hope you had an amazing 3rd birthday!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for coming :) this is he cutest!
