Monday, November 9, 2015

Last week randoms and half the weekend!

 I love this picture of G. It captures her sweet personality to a T.

And this over here describes Emma haha

 Before breakfast last weekend..she was so funny with this bandaid.

And also, this picture needs more of its who one post, but this will do. Last week was my 28th Birthday and my coworkers decorated the heck out of my cube and I LOVED it. I didnt want to break the wall down to get in.

 This is the most perfect shirt for any 3 year old. Anytime you 'How old are you?!' 'Im Freeeeeeee!'. All of her teachers at school love it ha

Friday was a super slow day at work, so I left right after lunch. The weather was so so so perfect. I picked up some snack and the girls and found a nearby park and took them to play. Emma loved it of course. It took G a while to warm up to everything.

 The beautiful weather continued....and James has weekends off again!! YAY! So we got some lunch and went to a neighborhood park for a picnic.

I hope that the rest of November is this beautiful to hit many more parks :)

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